Note that a single atomic business rule may manifest as a number of formal rule statements, each with a different formal expression type. 注意,一个原子业务规则可能以多个规范化规则语句的形式出现,每个规范化规则语句具有不同的规范化表达类型。
An administrator's decision to issue a press release, hold a news conference, grant an interview, or "leak" a story to the press is usually made informally, yet these publicity-generating activities can be as potent as a formal rule or order. 行政官员关于发布新闻稿,举行新闻会议,同意安排采访或向报界“透露”消息的决定通常都是非正式作出的,然而这些引起公开宣传的活动可以和正式规则或命令一样地有影响力。
To make it more formal, induction learns a general rule R ( concerning A and B) from numerous examples of A and B. 更为形式化地表示,即从许多用例A和B进行归纳学习得到一个一般性规则R。
The means to understand the paradigm are five as follows: the dialogique escapes of the weakness of formal logic as a new rule to cognition, containing benefits of formal logic and dialectical logic; 复杂范式方法有五个:两重性逻辑是针对形式逻辑无法激发思维的创造性、辩证逻辑逃避了形式逻辑的检验的缺点而提出的新的认识原则,具有形式逻辑与辩证思维的长处;
Formal Rule Theory, Mental Model Theory and Probability Theory in Conditional Reference: A Comparative Study of the Three Theories 形式规则、心理模型与概率理论&条件推理中三种理论模型的比较研究
Fukuyama defines such states by three characteristics: formal bureaucratic institutions; the rule of law; and accountability. 福山用三个特征来定义现代国家:正式的官僚制度、法治和问责制。
Detail work on the knowledge layer is explored, which includes the definition of formal business rule, reference to resources in a rule, as well as the design and implementation of the rule system. 重点就知识层形式化业务规则的定义、资源和服务的引用以及规则引擎等给出了详细的设计和实现。
The principle of protection of reliability is positive meanings to protect reliability interests of private humans, to mould sincere and credit governments, to make a contribution to formal rule by law to substantial rule by law. 信赖保护原则对保护相对人的信赖利益,塑造诚信政府,促进形式法治走向实质法治有着积极意义。
The results showed: ( 1) the solution of transitive reasoning with spatial and temporal contents supported the mental model theory, not the formal rule theory. 结果发现:(1)空间位置和时间关系的推理结果都支持心理模型理论,而不支持形式规则理论。
MP~ therefor has one more formal rule than does MP. That is when A, B are well-formed formulas, then A B is also a well-formed formula. 于是MP°要比MP多一条形成规则:即当A,B为合式公式时,则AB也是合式公式。
Fifthly, it studies the relationship between the formal language state transition rule ( STR) and the modeling tools colored Petri net ( CPN), and the character of P invariant. 第五,深入分析和研究了状态转换规则形式化语言和建模分析工具有色Petri网之间的关系,以及P不变量的可达性分析。
The concept of work flow process component and the formal representation rule W-SC paradigm for work flow process component are proposed. 本文提出了工作流流程构件的概念,并设计了工作流流程构件的形式化表示规范W-SC范式。
The political system is a kind of formal rule by which the country or the unit or a person takes part in the political exercising. 政治制度是国家、单位、个人参与政治活动的一种正式规则。
The application of three-dimensional constitution in jewellry design is discussed from formal rule of three-dimensional constitution, constitute element and constitute form. 从立体造型的形式美法则、构成要素及构成形式等方面探讨立体构成在首饰设计中的应用。
Application of Formal Aesthetics Rule of Picture Composition to Map Design 构图的形式美法则在地图设计中的应用
On the categories of rule of law, it can be divided into two parts, the formal rule of law and the essential rule of law in relation to the value. 根据法治的价值内涵的不同,可以将法治分为形式法治与实质法治两大类。
The theory of rule by law in the West has experienced three stages, which are "rule by good law"," formal rule by law" and "substantive rule by law", each of them having its own strengths and shortcomings. 西方法治理论的发展经历了良法之治形式法治实质法治三个阶段。
On condition of value transformation from "formal Rule of Law" to "Substantive Rule of Law", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements. 在从价值观上实现由“形式法治主义”到“实质法治主义”转变的前提下,应当从四个方面对我国的行政拘留制度进行重构。
Descriptions of granular pyramid, formal concepts and decision rule are also discussed to illustrate the usefulness of α_-decision logic language. 最后讨论如何利用α-决策逻辑语言描述不同的粒世界及分析形式概念和决策规则。
The author will change the tradition method into researching the character of the business bribe and the measurement to prevent these crime so as to norm the socialism market economy order and make market competition corpus can operate according to the formal rule. 本文试图转变传统刑法的研究视角,从对向犯的角度研究商业贿赂犯罪的特征及预防措施,希望能够对进一步规范社会主义市场经济秩序,使市场竞争主体按照现有的显形规则经营运作有所帮助。
The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason. The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking, and it's formal theorem is MP rule ( i.e.the rule of detachment). 反映思维论证性的逻辑基本规律是充足理由律,而且充足理由律是逻辑思维的第一位的基本规律,其形式语言表达式(形式定理)是MP规则(即分离规则)
Influenced by Rechtssaat and Chinese traditional thoughts on legality, Chinese academic circle's understanding to administration by law remains in the level of the formal rule of law. 受到“法治国”思想和中国传统法制思想的影响,中国学界对依法行政的理解还停留在形式法治层面。
Then, this paper analysed how institution affects the development of corporate bonds based on the analytical frame of institution composing, which is "formal rules informal rule implementation mechanism". It is the theory base of the whole study. 然后,在制度构成的正式规则非正式规则运行机制分析框架下,分析制度是如何对公司债券融资发展产生重大影响的,由此得到本研究的理论基础。
Through analyzing the formal rule of many decorative painting works and accumulated personal experiences of decorative painting creation, which concludes the principle of the formal rule and formal beauty in decorative painting. 笔者经过分析大量装饰画作品的构成规律,加上对于装饰画创作自身经验的积累,总结了装饰画的构成规律和形式美的原则。
That is the unity of the formal rule of law and the essential rule of law. 即形式法治与实质法治相统一。
The relationship between the nation and the society is the first structure of the object of tax law, which satisfies the system of the formal type of the rule of law. 国家与社会的关系是税法调整对象的一重结构。此与形式法治的体系相契合。
I aim I aim to pass of traditional Chinese painting composition and modern constitute their quest, through the formal beauty rule the scalpel to analyze this form the analysis of the Chinese painting. 本人旨在通过对中国画构图及现代构成各自形式美规律的探求,通过形式分析这把解剖刀重新分析中国绘画。
Leibniz invented binary system and assumed a "universal characteristic", a symbol system that contained all the human thoughts; the" mechanical reasoner "that he invented contains the ideas, namely reasoning is a deduction system based on formal rule. 莱布尼茨发明了二进制表示方法,设想了一种普遍文字,能包含人类全部思想的符号系统;他所提出的机械推理机包含这样的思想,即推理是一个根据形式规则进行的演绎系统。
The road of substantive research expands the vision of the scope of the study of legal thinking, narrows the gap between formal logic of the rule of law and justice, and reflects the research of legal thinking and method developing with the times. 实质主义的研究进路扩大了法律思维的研究范围和视野,拉近了形式逻辑的法治与正义之间的关联,体现了法律思维与法律方法研究的与时俱进。
Formal expression of rule is established based on symbolic logic firstly. The knowledge-based diagnosis method, relevant theorems and rule indexing approach adaptive for fast diagnosis and knowledge evolvement online are established. 为了便于快速诊断和规则的在线演化,本论文首先基于数理逻辑建立规则的一般表达方法,并在此基础上提出了适合知识在线演化的基于知识的诊断方法及相关定理和规则索引方法。